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ImageRepeat Shape


This class is a descendant of Shape it also inherits all the options that Shape provides.


This component also supports a return function

A new need arises that when you need something to draw similar to background-repeat use ImageRepeat.

For image property you can use:

image An element to draw into the context. The specification permits any canvas image source, specifically,

In addition, this shape also provides a few other parameters:

Require Options

imageMayBeRef<CanvasImageSource | string>multiply by a value as stated above

Inherit Shape

xMayBeRef<number>offset x
yMayBeRef<number>offset y

Optional Options

scrollWidthMayBeRef<number>= imageWidthThe width of the element to be visible. for example if scrollWidth=100 the image will be repeatedly drawn until the total size >= 100
scrollHeightMayBeRef<number>= imageHeightThe height of the element to be visible. for example if scrollHeight=100 the image will be repeatedly drawn until the total size >= 100
scrollTopMayBeRef<number>0position y scrolled to it similar to background-position
scrollLeftMayBeRef<number>0position x scrolled to it similar to background-position
whileDrawMayBeRef<boolean>falseIs it constantly redrawing and ignoring the cache policy?


The crop feature provided by this component is very simple. If you need more powerful cropping (e.g. Tile) use cropImage


import { Stage, Layer, ImageRepeat, loadImage } from "fcanvas"

const stage = new Stage().mount("#app")
const layer = new Layer().addTo(stage)

const image = new ImageRepeat({
  x: stage.size.width / 2,
  y: stage.size.height / 2,
  image: await loadImage(""),
  scrollWidth: 300,
  scrollHeight: 150,
  scrollTop: 20

Released under the MIT License.