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To fill a shape with fcanvas, we can set the fill property when we instantiate a shape, or we can use the fill attrs.

fCanvas supports colors, patterns, linear gradients, and radial gradients.

Instructions: Mouseover each pentagon to change its fill. You can also drag and drop the shapes.

More info in: Shape

import { Stage, Layer, Arc } from "fcanvas"

const stage = new Stage().mount("#app")
const layer = new Layer().addTo(stage)

const colorPentagon = new RegularPolygon({
  x: 80,
  y: stage.size.height / 2,
  sides: 5,
  radius: 70,
  fill: "red",
  stroke: "black",
  strokeWidth: 4

const patternPentagon = new RegularPolygon({
  x: 220,
  y: stage.size.height / 2,
  sides: 5,
  radius: 70,
  fillPattern: {
    image: await loadImage("")
  stroke: "black",
  strokeWidth: 4

const linearGradPentagon = new RegularPolygon({
  x: 360,
  y: stage.size.height / 2,
  sides: 5,
  radius: 70,
  fillLinearGradient: {
    start: { x: -50, y: -50 },
    end: { x: 50, y: 50 },
    colorStops: [
      [0, "red"],
      [1, "yellow"]
  stroke: "black",
  strokeWidth: 4

const radialGradPentagon = new RegularPolygon({
  x: 500,
  y: stage.size.height / 2,
  sides: 5,
  radius: 70,
  fillRadialGradient: {
    start: { x: 0, y: 0 },
    startRadius: 0,
    end: { x: 0, y: 0 },
    endRadius: 70,
    colorStops: [
      [0, "red"],
      [0.5, "yellow"],
      [1, "blue"]
  stroke: "black",
  strokeWidth: 4

 * bind listeners
colorPentagon.on("mouseover touchstart", () => {
  colorPentagon.$.fill = "blue"

colorPentagon.on("mouseout touchend", () => {
  colorPentagon.$.fill = "red"

patternPentagon.on("mouseover touchstart", () => {
  patternPentagon.$.fillPattern = {
    image: await loadImage("")

patternPentagon.on("mouseout touchend", () => {
  patternPentagon.$.fillPattern = {
    image: await loadImage("")

linearGradPentagon.on("mouseover touchstart", () => {
  patternPentagon.$.fillLinearGradient = {
    start: { x: -50, y: 0 },
    end: { x: 50, y: 0 },
    colorStops: [
      [0, "green"],
      [1, "yellow"]

linearGradPentagon.on("mouseout touchend", () => {
  patternPentagon.$.fillLinearGradient = {
    start: { x: -50, y: 0 },
    end: { x: 50, y: 0 },
    colorStops: [
      [0, "red"],
      [1, "yellow"]

radialGradPentagon.on("mouseover touchstart", () => {
  radialGradPentagon.$.fillRadialGradient.colorStops = [
    [0, "red"],
    [0.5, "yellow"],
    [1, "green"]

radialGradPentagon.on("mouseout touchend", () => {
  radialGradPentagon.$.fillRadialGradient.colorStops = [
    [0, "red"],
    [0.5, "yellow"],
    [1, "blue"]


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